sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

My Grandparents

Centro de bachillerato tecnológico industrial y de servicios No. 13

Signature: English 2
Name student: Vazquez Ruiz Ana Lesslie
Name facilitador: Lic. Cristo Ernesto Yañez León
Topic: my grandparents

Grade: 2 group: "D"

Introduction: This paper was prepared more than anything to know more as it really is our family history and not tell us whose main goal besides getting to know each other is to live more with our family and that is our greatest treasure

My maternal grandmother
Leonor Cruz Morales is my maternal grandmother, born on July, 1943 in the town of Veracruz zontecomatlan, from girl Attend primary school only completed the third year, because her mother died and her father was a drank. She had to raise her brothers being a homemaker. She married at age 21 with her husband beat her so much that he decided to leave then look for a job as an independent. Yet she became pregnant at age 23. She now has 4 children who were based in the city of Veracruz Jalapa.  It until today's date is 68 years old.

My maternal grandfather
My maternal grandfather is or was a damn the truth no one knows the position the last time my family had contact with him was in Mexico and no one remembers, how is was  I already died because he was  15 years old than my grandmother.

My paternal grandmother
Martha Luz Oceja Mar is my paternal grandmother and was born on July 9, 1952 at the site of potrero Del Llano; Tuxpam located in Veracruz her course until fifth grade primary school. She married in 1970 and in 1979 had a beautiful child who was my father, in 1981 my uncle and my aunt in 1983. Currently is 59 years old and lives in San Diego.

My paternal grandfather
Humberto Vazquez Sebastian is my paternal grandfather, born on November 2, 1951 at the site of San Diego, Tantoyuca, Veracruz. Was very young his mother had not so he had to work to help himself and help their brothers because their father has abused the five brothers. He married with my grandmother in 1970 and in 1979 had a beautiful child. Currently resides in San Diego.

Conclusion: in the realization of this work I discovered many new things that I did not know just as much information I could not edit because my family are not close to where I am but it was beyond fun, very interesting.

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